Sunday, November 4, 2012

Oh, the shame

So, I kinda didn't work out a lot last week...

I also didn't run the 5k I said I was going to, either.

I didn't make the greatest food choices and even had a slight case of being "Glutenized" by some renegade soy sauce.

I had family pictures taken, and I was 3 lbs heavier than I should've been.

I know - I know.  This is all, like, not the end of the world, but if I don't keep myself accountable, then who is?

I had a really weird week - full of distractions, full of emotions about it being the year anniversary of our house fire, full of friends and fun events, and somewhat full of wine (which I rarely drink a lot of anymore, to be honest).  I love me some vino.  I love drinking it with friends, and enjoying life like it should be.  I like (gluten-free) dips and chips a LOT...and I love that my friends think about me when having me over and make sure I'm not eating something I shouldn't.  I just can't let myself chow down even though its "safe" food.  Overeater, much?

Honestly...I can't believe it's been a year since the fire.  I'm not sure I could even put into words what that experience was like, and it almost feels like another life time ago.  I'm sure my parents would beg to differ, though, but thank the Lord they were willing to have all 6 of us move in on a moments notice.  I'm not sure if I even asked if that would be ok, but thanks Mom and Dad - you da bomb.  That was pretty awesome of y'all.  I barely remember Everett's 1st birthday, and you would think I'd be doing everything I could to make his 2nd so awesome, but..I'm kinda stuck on that, too.  I have a week to get my act together, and so that means I pretty much have Saturday to figure it out if procrastination goes according to plan.  Just keeping it real, people.

So, its a new week and I have the chance to start again on a fresh slate.  I have signed up for the Turkey Trot and I WILL make that race, so it's time to get serious and train like I should.  I'll be incorporating strength training a few days a week, and I love it.  I'd lift weights over doing cardio any day, but I know I need to do the cardio to continue to lose weight.  I have roughly 13 lbs (give or take, being glutenized always throws my weight off for a few days) to go before I'm out of the 200s.  I'm also staring right into the face of the holidays.  I am glad that I am GF, because that will keep me from eating 90% of the crap that will be around.  I feel like that will help tremendously, but I still need to be good.  And if I'm seeing the weight come off like I have been in the last few weeks, that feeling will be a hundred times better than any stupid cookie I can't eat anyways.

So, if you are following me - feel free to send me a message or a text and keep me accountable.  It helps me not take the day off, and to keep going on this whole journey.  Lord (and Misty) knows I can't do this by myself yet.  It's too easy to fall off the wagon.  Damn wagon...

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