Friday, January 4, 2013

Whole 30 - Day 1 and 2

Hey folks...

So, I'm finishing up my second day of Whole 30 and I'm not going to lie. I'm totally over it already.

Now, this is actually coming as a shock to me because I've given up gluten pretty much bitch-free. If I can do that, then why is this so difficult? I have no idea. Oooohh wait - I do!

I have to meal plan.

I hate meal planning.

I'm completely out of my comfort zone and I'm really over finding recipes that I can't make because I don't have the elusive coconut milk on hand. I'm also really tired of not eating chocolate. I am, however, realizing that chocolate is my comfort food of choice, and I tend to reach for those sea salt and dark chocolate covered almonds probably more than I should. So, yay. My first realization of many, I'm sure.

I read the book that was written by the same crazy people that came up with this program, and it was really good. A wealth of knowledge, really. It doesn't make this any easier, and for $9.99 I wish it came with more recipes. And a chef. A chef with lots of recipes. That lives in my house and makes me wonderful food.

Bottom line, the real problem (besides the no chocolate part) is that I can't work out and it's I think I'm probably out for another month. I've been diagnosed (self and otherwise) with a few things but I really think it's most likely a gnarly torn muscle and it's in a hard place to heal. I tried to walk the other day on the 'mill, and I barely got through 20 minutes without bursting into tears. It's painful to walk a lot, it's awful to run and honestly it keeps me up at night, too. I think if I could workout I would feel a lot better - or, if nothing else, get my aggressions out on the weights and not on my poor family. Hopefully things will change soon, but until then...I'm really sorry for my shit attitude and lack of patience. I'm probably not very nice to deal with at this point and I'm going to go ahead an apologize for being an asshole in advance. Just covering my bases!

I've got 28 more days to go. I hope this is worth it (and I don't lose any friends in the process...)

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