Sunday, August 4, 2013

1/2 Marathon Training - Week 2 (something clicked)

Week 2 - DONE!

I'm pretty sure this Hal Higdon dude is trying to kill me.

I won't lie - I pretty much did week 1 again.  Even though I'm following the "novice" plan, I'm more in tune with my body than I've ever been before and I was hurting.  Not "I'm gonna get over it" pain, but real "I'm gonna injure myself soon" pain.  I just kept wondering when it was going to stop hurting.  No pain, no gain is totally fine - but seriously, it was bad.  I spent a lot of time like this:

That's not really fun.

So, I decided to stop following the rules and I took Friday and Saturday off completely.  I think it was a really good decision.  Today was a great run, and I was 95% pain free through it all!  I did have to kinda limp through the finish because the stupid treadmill timer was set for 38 minute limit and it hit cool down before I was finished.  Just go ahead and mark that down as one more reason I freakin hate Fitness Connection.  I decided to only complete three miles today.  Here is today's time picture:

I feel like it would've been about 3 or so minutes faster had it not hit cool down, but whatever.  I was just happy to not limp off the treadmill for the first time! I found this really cool stretching machine today at the gym.  I also have Trainer Sean foam rolling my calves and shins as many times as I can convince him to.  I'm also going to try out some compression sleeves that my sweet friend was kind enough to let me borrow.  I'm determined to figure this out, however many bags of frozen edamame it takes!