Friday, November 16, 2012

Oh, cocktail dress

I think we all know I'm pretty cheap.  I hate to spend money on silly things that I will only wear/use once.  I don't have many events that warrant a cocktail dress, and if I did I'd most likely be around the same people - so I can't pull a Kate Middleton on that, either.  She can get away with wearing things twice because she is gorgeous and her dresses are like $3994993929 a piece.  I'd wear that shit again, too.

I borrowed an adorable dress to wear to the Margarita Ball tomorrow and had every intention of being REALLLYYYY good and not eating veeerrryyyy much.  Well....hum.  I kinda forgot to do that and now I'm scared that the size 12 dress will look awful.  There is nothing worse than being miserable in a dress.  It's quite possibly worse than miserable shoes.  At least you can kick off your shoes.  I'm pretty sure I can't kick off my dress - not that kind of party, I'm guessing.

I did just get my family pics back and while I absolutely love them - I really don't like me in any of them.  That is just me being picky, it has NOTHING to do with the photographer, pictures, anything.  I think in my head I just have a thinner face and I thought I'd be able to really see that more than I do. It's silly, no one would ever notice but me, but still sucks.  I know there are big changes that have happened and still are happening, but it's never fun dealing with the unhappy chubby girl deep down inside.

On the up side, however, I have this dress that I bought for my best friends wedding four years ago (really?  Four years?  Good lord. Where is the time going?) that barely fit then and hasn't fit since.  Well, after trying on the dress I borrowed (pre-pigout) I was feeling pretty good about myself and so I thought "Hey, see what that looks like!" So, I put it on.  And it zipped!  First time in four years it ever came close.  Too bad this dress is spring/summer fabric and print or I'd just wear it instead.  It's adorable and hopefully I'll have some place in the spring to wear it to.

So, we have a super insane crazy busy weekend and then on to Thanksgiving.  I'm running in the Turkey Trot and am not really worried about feeling too left out at dinner because everything we eat pretty much is GF already, and I'm ordering a pie so that will help with my sugar need.  Mom is going to make adjustments on her stuffing and I think we will be good to go.  We had Sawyer's Thanksgiving Feast at school today, and that was NOT a GF situation at all.  I tend to live in my little safe food bubble and so rarely venture out of it that it tends to shock me how much stuff has gluten in it when I'm not in control of the menu.  I brought some trail mix and thank god I did because I was starving when I got home.  I did have a finger sandwich with chicken salad, but I knew two bites in that the white bread was not going to do me any favors so I didn't eat anymore.  I'm proud of my restraint - that is something very hard for me to have around food.  I know being "gluten-ized" is not fun times, though, so I'm learning to just do with out more and more every day!

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