Sunday, July 28, 2013

1/2 Marathon Training - Week 1

Week 1 is in the books, and it was rough.

I wondered why I was doing this approximately 29,209 times, and every time I came up with the same answer - I just want to say that I did it.  If we are being honest, I'd like that sticker for my car, too.

Is that enough to carry me through 13.1 miles of potential hell?  Sure hope so!  Apparently, that's all I've got for now hahaha.

For those of you curious, I've been following Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Half Marathon Training program. I honestly have no clue who the dude is, and why everyone I asked gave me his program to follow - but, since that is what happened I'm rolling with it.  Monday and Tuesday went GREAT.  Beastmode in the gym, clean eating, lots of water, excellent time on my 3 miler.  I was so like "I got this" that it wasn't even funny.  Annnnddd....then, the shit started hitting the fan.

Our (semi-new) fridge started crapping out on us, and we tried everything we could to fix it on our own.  Cleaning it out, defrosting and airing out didn't fix the problem, so a GE specialist had to pay us a visit.  Lucky us.  Then, as I was getting ready for work on Thursday, a plug caught fire.  If I ever questioned having Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, I no longer wonder and should probably seek therapy.  The smell along made me lose it.  So very lucky for us that I was home, had great advice to flip the breaker (in the midst of my panic attack), and quickly was visited by one of RJ's electricians (also nice knowing the right people) and he changed it out for me and made me feel safe.  Short of wanting him to rewire out house again, I still feel uneasy with things and haven't slept well thinking about the "what-if's" again.  If any of you have suffered from a fire, you understand what I'm talking about.  It's the worst.

So, with all of that excitement, I still needed to complete another 3 mile run and hopefully clear out my head.  Unfortunately, I decided to do this at 5:15 and probably gave myself heatstroke and felt terrible.  I rested Friday with many thoughts of quitting while I was ahead.  I'm pretty sure Sean thinks I'm crazy for doing this, and I'm not too far behind him in this thinking at any given point.

I got to the gym today, not in the mood and really wishing I was in bed watching more episodes of "Orange is the New Black" (um, such a great series!).  I was in the zone, trying to psych myself up and also trying to find the appropriate "Friday Night Lights" episode I'd been watching, and I heard "Jennifer!  Jennifer!"  Weird.  No one ever calls me that...unless we know each other from High School.  Which, technically, this person and I didn't but...close enough.  I'll leave it with last I heard this person was not my biggest fan, so the fact that they made sure to say hello and ask how I was doing 100% caught me by surprise.  I was so off guard by it that I couldn't get my thinking straight, and cashed out at two miles and sore shins.  I know I should've gone back and done another two this evening, but I just don't have it in me.  I'll let it be.  Start fresh in the morning.

I won't let this Debbie Downer of a post continue on much longer.  I will end on a positive note, and it involves many of my friends that have become my Challenge Buddies.  I truly am so proud and motivated by you all.  It really takes a LOT to commit to something and change your body and your life.  Whatever the path is that you choose, it is a big deal and I love all the emails and texts I've been getting about the positive things happening in your lives.  When I don't want to walk the talk I've been yammering about, I always get an uplifting message that makes me realize that it's going to be ok.  So, CB's, thank you.  You rock.  :)


  1. Confession: I actually laughed out loud for real when I read the part about you wanting the sticker. I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN!!! I am not a runner at all but I'll be damned that I haven't thought about wanting to go for it just so I can have that sticker. Then I'm like...why can't I just go BUY the stupid sticker?! But that's like runner cheating.

    1. I know - I've totally had this inner dialogue where I go back and forth about purchasing it. I mean...I'm GONNA run it, mine as well get it now hahahahaha It's total runner cheating. Fo' sho.


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