This will be a rant, so you are officially warned.
I had my scoliosis specialist visit and I have NEVER felt so disrespected in my life.
I had such peace about today, and I really felt pretty good about it all. I'd done a significant amount of research and really was ready to sit down and talk to someone and decide a plan of action. Anyone that knows me, knows how much I love a good plan. It's how I roll. I need one, and I need all the people to have one, too. I was ready to plan today, and to finally figure out how to tackle the problem that is my back (my neck, my neck and my back).
The appointment started off on a rather sour note. My chiropractic office gave me x-rays that were from 2012, thus rendering them null and void for usage today. I was and still am VERY upset by this. Their mistake cost me not only almost $300, but more importantly required me to have another set of x-rays taken. If you have been keeping count, that would be the third set in less than six weeks (along with a CT scan, too). I am in no way against x-rays, but I am against the repeated exposure to radiation. I have had 6 shots done total, and I just feel like that is way too much. I have expressed my severe displeasure to my chiro office and am waiting to see how they respond. This is a very serious mistake in my book, and one that I need some sort of restitution on.
So, there was that. I had another round of 'ray's, and sat and waited...and waited...and waited. We waited almost an hour, and only then did the P.A. come in. He was so nice, and attentive, and really was listening to me and my story. I know I'm a weird case - has ANYTHING ever gone normally for me (the answer to that is noppppeee). I just want someone to listen to me, because I have a lot to say and it all matters. That's not being an asshole, that's just the truth. The P.A. was doing a pretty good job and it and then the door flew open.
Dr. H, or whom I presumed to be Dr. H since he couldn't be bothered to introduce himself, came flying through the door and interrupted our conversation. He started with "I heard you were in a car accident". Well, yes, I said, I was, but that isn't the whole reason I'm a scoliosis specialist. He said, "Well, the scoliosis didn't just pop up overnight, so I guess that wasn't a surprise." Um...thanks Captain Obvious - we all know this crooked back didn't just happen because I slept wrong. I'm sitting there dumbfounded, really confused by this terrible man's horrendous bedside manner when he goes into "Well, your 40 degree curve isn't something I'll be concerned with, so let's just get you some painpills and send you on your way."
Pump. The. Brakes.
I'm going to digress just a little bit, but THIS IS WHY AMERICA HAS AN EFFING PILL PROBLEM.
This man, who knows nothing about me and that I bet couldn't pick me out of a lineup, just gave me the keys the to the pain pill kingdom. Just like that. Never looked a chart, didn't ask any questions, nothing. He also prescribed Flexeril, which is an extremely potent muscle relaxer. I've already been prescribed that once before, and spent the next three days in a complete haze because of it. I can't take it and also participate in life, there is just no way. Mom and I both were like, are you serious?! Last time I took that stuff, I slept upwards of 18 hrs a day! Not really conducive to being a wife, mom, employee...I'd be in bed asleep!
I'm in tears at this point, crying and saying "but...I can't walk? I'm having a hard time functioning? This can't be normal for a 32 year old woman." I was told that the pills would help, and that he couldn't believe I wasn't on anything already. Like I was crazy for wanting to try and do things without drugs.
I was so mad, and it took every ounce of my being not to lose my shit. I mean, it really took a LOT. I felt so hurt and dismissed. How is someone who doesn't know me going to tell me that my curve isn't worth being concerned by. Do you have a curvy back? Do you struggle to chase your kids? Do you want to spend more time than normal in your bed because it's just easier? I am going to guess he doesn't. This is not a situation where being told to rub some dirt on it and get back in the game is going to be sufficient. I did not take off work, spend my time and money and drag my mother along to have some asshole not help me.
After he felt annoyed by our drug questions (which I don't plan on taking unless it just gets unbearable, and even then - I am just not sure), he flippantly said I should get some PT and waltzed out of the room, probably off to check on a patient that has a bigger, more important curve.
The P.A. wrapped up stuff, but I don't really remember what he said. I was just so frustrated I was leaving there without a thing - a reason for the pain, a way to help, nothing. Even the stupid receptionist was a bitch about things. I'm sorry that I live in Arlington, heaven forbid I would like to see a PT out there. It was just all around a mess.
So...I'm basically where I was yesterday, except I have a diagnosed insignificant curve not worth anyone's concern and $527 more broke. I'm pissed, hurt, frustrated and most of all just tired. It makes me so mad that someone could be so mean. I am not a hypochondriac. This is real, and it really needs to be fixed. I don't want surgery, that is the last resort for me. I just want to get back to life.
My mother in law has a plan for me, and now I just need to get down to Salado and meet with the guy she says will change my life. That is tentatively planned for a few weeks, so that's the new plan. Until then, my insignificant curve and I will keep on keepin' on...that's all we can do. Please understand that right now I'm not in a really great place, and I'm trying to keep my head above water.
Oh goodness. I am really, really sorry the appointment didn't go as planned. What a serious piece of crap doctor he must have been.
ReplyDeleteI'll be praying that the next option will be worthwhile and that you'll have some peace until then!