Monday, January 14, 2013

A whole lotta...stuff

I'm closing out my 12th day on Whole 30, and I'm feeling really good!  I'm down a solid 6 lbs and my tastes are changing daily.  In the spirit of full disclosure, I have cheated in the following ways:

  • Two grande soy lattes
  • one donut hole (gagged - too sweet!!)
  • one chicken nugget (not gonna lie.  I like chicken nuggets.  They don't like me, though)
I figure that is pretty darn good for me.  I've been known to sneak big time.  Really the only thing that I truly miss are coffee's.  I'm thinking if I went and bought another Keurig, I wouldn't miss it so much.  I just don't want to spend the money!!!  Too bad my birthday is so far away...

Meal planning has gotten a lil bit better.  This morning was a bit of a panic because I hadn't made it to the store and I didn't have a THING that was W30 approved.  I ate my last Lara Bar and hoofed it to the store after dropping Sawyer off at school.  I had, however, made my shopping list so I was ready to go and stay focused on what I needed.

This eating clean mess is not cheap.  I'm trying to figure out the give/take with cutting out fast food and coffee treats, but I feel like it's worth the expense.  I feel a ton better, I really do.  I also know what is in the food I'm eating, and not playing Russian Roulette with gluten.  I'm eating way more calories than I was before, and I'm LOSING WEIGHT.  Go figure.  My calories are smart calories, and I'm not counting anything.  I'm just eating.  It's actually quite freeing.  I'm full a lot faster, but I don't feel puffy.  I don't fluctuate up 5-7 pounds a day, either.  Pretty cool stuff, and I feel awesome knowing I'm doing this the right way for me.

A recipe that I've made twice now and it's been a fan favorite is this Balsamic Roast that I make in the Crock Pot.  It's so simple, I'm almost embarrassed to tell y'all about it.  All you need is the following:

  1. 3lb roast
  2. 1/2 cup Balsamic Vinegar
  3. 2 cups Beef Stock
  4. 3 tablespoons of tomato paste
  5. 1 onion, sliced thinly
  6. 5-6 minced garlic
I just take the roast and salt and pepper both sides.  I think you can sear it or whatever real chefs do, but that is just another pan to get dirty so I don't worry about that.  I slice up my onion and lay a few rings on the bottom of the crock pot, and then place my roast on top.  Dump in the beef stock and balsamic vinegar.  Cover the top of the roast with the tomato paste and then the garlic (I dump some in the juice) and finally top with a few onion rings.  Place your crockpot on 8 hrs low and there ya go!  I served it with cauliflower rice one time, and roasted sweet potatoes the next time and I preferred the potatoes.  The flavors went together perfectly.  I think carrots would be awesome, too.

My plan for this week is as follows:
Balsamic Roast - cooked
Egg Apple Strusel Casserole - cooked
Coconut Chicken
Mini Meat Loaf Cupcakes
Roasted Grape Steaks
Mexican Style Shrimp

I'll eat left overs and I'm having lunch out a few days, so this should get me until Sunday.  If I am not feeling whatever, I just make an omelette and call it a day.  I pick things that stretch and I also have Pumpkin Chili in the freezer for emergencies, too.  I went to Aldi and bought everything I needed there for about $100.  I've also signed up for Bountiful Baskets, so that will be interesting.  I ordered a juice pack, so Sean could get his juice going again.  I have a few odds and ends I need to purchase (Cinnamon, coconut oil, etc) but I think it's pretty good to have the family covered for a whole week already!  Too bad the kids aren't big fans of eating still..

So, to sum it up - I'm feeling good and settling into a routine.  I honestly don't really see the need to go back to the way I used to eat when this is not that much harder but so much better for us all.  

I have an MRI on my leg tomorrow, so please pray for a quick experience and good results.  I'm tired of not being able to work out.  It's really screwing with me, and I want to get back to my running.  I know I'll have to start back at square one, but that's better than not doing anything.  I just want to feel better. I'd also like a personal chef, but I'll take what I can get.

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