Sunday, January 27, 2013

The home stretch

Only five days remain in my Whole 30 challenge, and I honestly can't even believe the month has gone by so fast.  I did a few meal planning preparations today, and even made pumpkin chili again for lunch today.  I guess all I really need to do is coast through the next few days, call it complete, and crack open a bottle of wine to celebrate!  I know I shouldn't reward myself with wine, because that kind of defeats what Whole 30 is all about, but whatever.  I deserve it, dammit.

A few thoughts about the past few weeks:

I'm really, really, really glad I decided to do Whole 30, and I'm also really glad I started my year off with this challenge.  It has helped me in so many ways:

1.  I have lost all the weight (and still counting - I will hopefully have a great number to share on Friday!) I gained over the holidays.
2.  I have completely changed my eating habits and introduced a great number of new food items that I love.
3.  It provided me something I could "control" when my health issues went out of control.
4.  It has allowed me to heal faster than I would've on a normal diet.
5.  It has given me something to feel good about, when honestly I want to pout.
6.  It has made me want to make a permanent change in my eating and lifestyle.
7.  It makes me excited for when I can hit the pavement again and see how running goes when I'm lighter than I have been in YEARS.

I know I have been very vague about my recent health issue on this blog, and I will continue to be unfortunately.  Aside from a few trusted friends and family members, if I have told you anything it probably wasn't the whole truth.  I'm sorry for lying, but my awesome village has a hard time accepting the "it's a long story" line so I just kinda said something so people would quit asking.  I know it sounds harsh, and it sucks not being able to be like "Dude.  I have _____ and it really, really blows."  Honestly, before surgery, I didn't even really know 100% what it was, either. It just is so gnarly and ridiculous I'm doing you a favor by not telling you the nitty gritty hahaha!  I pride myself in being very forthcoming, honest, and open when I write but sometimes things are just better left unsaid.  What happened to me was scary, super painful and frustrating.  Having to have surgery was about the last thing I wanted to do, but after consulting with my wellness doctor and hearing her say she thought it might require surgery, I was a little more ok about it all.  I know Dr. Cindy would never suggest surgery without trying everything possible, and I know I did everything I could on the granola front to try and heal things naturally.  I finally found a specialist that got me on the right track, and I will having my follow up visit on Thursday.  We will schedule my second surgery then, which will be to repair a few things and have me good as new.  Personally, I'm praying that by sometime in April I will be able to start lightly working out again.  That sounds really far away, but I know it will be here before I know it.  I'm doing my best to be a good little patient, but we all know how terrible I am at it.  Sean has been wonderful, and has even embraced my Whole 30 lifestyle (for the most part) and helped cook me meals when I just didn't feel up to it.  The kids haven't really missed a beat, and for that I'm grateful that they are still little and think life is all about them.  It's been a crappy month, health-wise, but I am feeling better every day and that is all that matters!  Moving on.

I have to give a little random shout out to this great online boutique I have found.  It is called Kiki La'Rue, and if you havent checked them out - you should.  Becka just quit her high-paying, but super high stress job to run this dream of hers, and she is such a bad ass I want all my friends to support her and look good while doing so.  Besides her awesome customer service skills, she has a soft spot for the curvier woman, and purchases clothing at market to help us who aren't a size 4 look fab, too.  I've purchased a few things from her already, and follow her Instagram (@shopkikilarue) religiously.  She has been posting things she found for Spring, and seriously - I want it all.  I am so excited that I finally A. can wear boutique clothing and B. found a boutique as cool and well-rounded as KLR.  Do yourself a favor, and check it out!

I'll be back Friday with my final weigh in and my surgery plan.  Here's to a great week, friends!

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