Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Oh...hey, y'all

Oh my gosh.

Life just flies right by if you let it, doesn't it?  I have had two sick boys, and I'm worn out from that.

I'm not even sure where I left off?  I think it was right before surgery #2...

The second surgery was a success.  I feel amazing.  It kind of makes me sad I lived so long with things "not quite right", but I honestly didn't really know any better.  I'm not really sure which surgery was more rough....they were different, and my moods were different, too.  The first time I was in so much pain I just wanted to be done.  This time I was feeling pretty good going into it and I just wanted to have it happen so I could wrap this episode of "Random Shit that Happens to Me" up.  I had some really sweet friends bring food by again (a godsend.  thank you from the bottom of my heart, I love you!) and the Nene and Pop pitched in to help, too.  Sean was great with the kids and let me get lots of sleep (key for any recovery I need to make...from surgery, drinking too much, etc).  The boys were amazing and super sweet, and I got lots of kisses and hugs to help me get better quickly. All in all, it was positive experience and I'm thankful for all the help and prayers I received during the last three months.

Tomorrow I see Dr. T for my post-op appointment.  I'm confident I'll get a clean bill of health and clearance to start working out again!!!!  As she told me before surgery last time, I will have to be careful "not to F up her hard work" (her words.  I love this doctor.  she is pretty much a rock star), and I'm cool with that.  Honestly, I'm like a weenie - I have ZERO stamina.  I will be starting from scratch.  I have been researching different workouts and activities to keep me entertained and motivated, and I'm anxious to see what I can do to transform my body post-surgery.

Weight loss update: Positive note is that I haven't put on ANY weight since finishing my Whole 30.  I'm keeping at a 70/30 balance of Whole 30 vs non-Whole 30 foods, and that has worked really well for me.  I'm still rocking the Gluten Free thing, and I can always tell when I have something with Gluten because I start to feel icky.  I haven't had any attacks or been "glutenized" lately, thank goodness.  I haven't really drank much alcohol since completing the W30, and I'm cool with that, too.  I guess the really only "bad" thing is that I'm still stuck at five pounds away from what has been my next mini-goal.  It's driving me crazy, but being house bound for three plus months is something I'm just going to have to deal with and move on from.  Starting (hopefully) tomorrow things will change in that department!

I've been following two people pretty hard core lately, Mama Laughlin and Skinny Meg.  These ladies really make me feel like anything is possible, because they have both proven that it is.  Hell, Meg even stripped (almost) down and showed what weight loss looks like after massively kicking ass in the gym for awhile.  That takes some balls, y'all.  I will NOT be doing that myself.  You are welcome.  It's funny - my ultimate goal weight has always been 175 (what I weighed on my wedding day), but these girls blew their original goals out of the water and kept on going.  I really think I can do that, too!  I need to take pictures this week (Before I start getting my sexy back in the gym too much, haha) so I have something to gage this next phase with.  I really hate "selfie" pics, and I feel so dumb taking them, but I guess there is no way around it.  Sean is probably laughing right now at the thought of a photo shoot  and I already know how annoyed I'd get with him behind the camera.  I love my husband, but his talent does not lie behind the lens.

I guess I'll wrap up by saying thank you.  I know a lot of you guys were saying lots of prayers for me to feel better, and they totally worked.  I hope to have lots of updates on the blog now that I can be a normal person again, so I hope you will follow along!  If you have any cool workouts you like, or meals that have been easy and good - let me know!  I'm always willing to try something new (unless its brussel sprouts.  I'm not eating those nasty things no matter how hard you try.)

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