Friday, May 17, 2013

Break Away

I need a change of pace.

My motivation has gone with the cool weather - and I am finding it difficult to bring it back to where it used to be.

A year ago, when I started this weight loss journey, I signed up at the local big box gym that only costs $10 a month.  I love a deal. I didn't love working out.  It was a pretty good fit, so I signed up and off I went.  At first it was fine - clean, empty, and I didn't mind going.  I wasn't even sure I would stay the course, so I wasn't looking for a huge financial commitment that would go down the drain anyway.  Turns out I like working out, and go 3-5 a week, depending on schedules.

Everything was going swell, and then they ran a promotion to drum up more business.  Something along the lines of "Bring your mother, friend, dog, sister wife - whoever you can find to fill this place and we will give you a free puppy".  All of a sudden, my empty gym was full of people.  And, if we are being honest, not exactly people that make me want to workout more.

Almost overnight the population of this gym changed.

Away went the people that looked like this:

and in its place are gems like this:

And that is just the dude population.  The ladies are a whole other situation.  I would say about 90% of them are there for the free childcare they offer.  I get it.  If I had 9 children under the age of 10 and could get a break every day by only paying $10 bucks a month, I'd probably do the same thing.  I'd also probably try and get off food stamps, too, but that is a whole other story.

So, while I'm applauding these people for at least trying to do something better for themselves (or at least convince themselves of that), I'm tired of seeing them.  They do not make me want to kick ass in the gym.  They make me want to eat Cheetos and watch my stories.  I am not saying that I am better than them. I just want to be around more people who are there for the same reasons I am there.  I'd also like a gym that doesn't hide the damn foam rollers from people and lock up their med balls.  I'm pretty sure I'm the least of their concern for people who steal shit.

This conundrum leaves me with a few options:

Crossfit: Not.Going.To.Happen.  This is said for two reasons.  The morning classes are at 5am and 6am.  Have any of y'all seen me function at either one of those un-godly hours?  I didn't think so.  This also won't work since the afternoon classes are at 5pm and 6pm.  Yea....can't do that either, especially when Sean is in school.

Pure Barre:  Who can afford this?  I am tempted to buy the new member pass for $100, but the $220/month or whatever they have going will not work for this budget.

Texas Fitt:  This is a family/locally owned little gym.  I took a tour today, and it is quiet and clean.  They have nice equipment.  I went to HS with the owner.  It is in between Sawyer's school and my work.  What I don't like is paying extra for classes.  I don't attend classes now at Crappy Connection because they are full of the aforementioned "work out ladies", but when I worked out at 24hr a million years ago I loved doing them.  I'm not sure how they would fit into my world right now, but being cheap I hate to think of paying extra.

24hr Fitness: Sigh.  I don't want to go here.

So, what should I do?  I think I need to do something different.  I'm not getting any thinner...

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