Thursday, May 9, 2013

Jake and Holly's Finish the Sentence

I love finishing the sentences linkup's - it always gives me something new to think about!  Here is the latest from Jake and Holly!


1.  Unlike my sibling...I don't suck at life.

2.  My Best Friend says...that I always tell it how it is, even when she doesn't want me to.  I've mellowed out in my old age, though.  She also would probably say that I'm pretty awesome at getting her into trouble, but that is nothing new.  We've been causing drama together since the mid 90's.  :)

3.  People call me...maybe?  Sorry.  I couldn't help it.  Anyway, most people call me Jenn.  My nickname is Jennjilla, which came from owning a chinchilla as a pet in college (Nicole the chinchilla lived at my parents home, and was electrocuted when our house was hit by lightening since she was inside a metal cage.  She went batshit crazy and chewed off her own tail.  I can't make this stuff up).  It kind of stuck and is now my screen name for everything.

4.  I most often dream...about stressful situations.  I work a lot of stuff out in my dreams, and then it's a lot better in real life.  I also get to say things to certain people in my dreams that I want to in real life, but can't since that would be rude.  Granted, push me enough...I'll just say it anyway.  :)  I'm super charming that way!

5.  The best part of my totally when I get to see my boys after school!  I love Sawyer telling me all about his super exciting day, and E's toddler run while screaming "Momma"!

6.  I don't really understand...why my son thinks it is cool to pee in my bed and not tell me.  Not cool, little dude, not cool.

7.  I get really annoyed...when I can't find something I'm looking for.  This may have something to do with my life being in a state of constant chaose, but I'm not sure.  All I know is that I can't have anyone touching my piles.

8.  There's nothing like...getting into bed made with clean sheets.  Getting to watch a tv show of my choice while in said bed is a bonus!

9.  Lately, I can't get enough...of listening to the Dixie Chicks.  Man...they were a brilliant band.  I wish they would make a comeback so.bad.

10.  One thing I am NOT is...filtered.  Good or bad, it usually comes out.

11.  I spent too much money clothes.  I can't help it - I'm finally able to wear normal sizes and I don't look half bad in some of them so it is fun again to shop!  Sorry, Sean...

12.  I want to learn...Spanish.  I'm pretty sure my parents sent me for that semester in Mexico for that very purpose, but oooops...I kinda forgot to do that part.  I did, however, learn ALL about beer and some crazy pyramids.  I was immersing myself in the culture.  I would do it all over again, too, in a heartbeat!

13.  If I ever met Orlando Bloom, I'd ... probably say something completely dumb and ask for a picture - which will end up as crazy looking as my picture with Shaq did.

14.  I can't stop...watching Real Housewives of OC.  Those ladies are crazy, but I love it!!!

15.  Never have I ever...been good at portion control.  I love food.

16.  Reese a total badass.  I love she went Sweet Home Alabama on that cop.  "Do you know my name??  Well, you are about to!"  BAM!  In your face, cop!  Something tells me she and I could drink some whisky together and have a grand ole' time...

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