I had the big doctor's appointment today. I'll start with stating how much I love my doctor, and how grateful I am to have found her. She is badass.
With that said, I'm pretty sure the message from Nurse Barbara was a bit skewed because Dr. D was super gungho to remove the IUD and wasn't really ready for the rest of my questions. I was agreeable to the removal, because I'm not really a fan, but I wanted to see what she thought about PCOS/Thyroid and gluten. I am not going to lie. It totally feels great to have lost 18-20 pounds (depending on the day), but I REALLY feel like I have been dealt the short end of the stick with all of this crap and it should be more and I should be thinner at this point. There. I said it. It SUCKS and I HATE it and I'm TIRED of the fight. I'm also super over feeling the same way I did when we were trying to have Everett. Bottomed out on hormones, no end in sight, long road ahead. I asked her if she thought the IUD was the culprit, if only receiving progesterone and not estrogen was a problem. She was pretty quick to say she really believes that the hypothyroidism is the biggest issue that I'm facing, and if we could get that adjusted back to normal things would take a turn for the better. I asked her what she thought about the thyroid being affected by gluten and she gave me her honest answer that she doesn't really know. She said it was a really new thing out there, there isn't a ton of research that she is aware of to back it up and she hasn't ever treated anyone personally that showed any difference either way. She said I probably need to take up this gluten issue with a gastroenterologist to get a better answer/treatment plan. She fully supported the change and said I look the best she's ever seen me (considering I showed up desperate and unable to have a child, then had a crazy pregnancy and finished that up with a trip up post-partum depression highway...I'm not sure that's saying much haha) and that I needed to keep up the hard work and stay focused. She also said she'd be the one to write me a 'script if I needed it. I told her she was my favorite doctor. :)
So, she prepped to remove the damn IUD, and the stupid thing is where she can't see it. Which means...it's still there...we think. OF COURSE it's "missing". Seriously? So guess who gets to spend more money on another appointment to have a sonogram to locate the missing IUD? I just have all the luck!
I had some more blood drawn and hopefully will have results in the next day or two. The last time I had the blood drawn I was heavy, so I'm curious to see if my levels are still high (which indicated hypothyroidism - weird) now that I've lost a few lbs. We shall see. I guess I just want to either cross this thyroid business off the list, or move it to the top and treat it appropriately. I need a plan!
Stay tuned...
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