Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Body by ME (and Vi)

Hi Friends!

I hope you are having a wonderful week!  I hosted my first ever SHAKE AND BAKE, and boy was it fun!  I wasn't sure what to expect for my first challenge party...if anyone was even going to show...and ultimately, like the shakes, too.  Thankfully, my girls came out in full force and I think everyone really enjoyed themselves!  Stephanie outdid herself with her Beach Bronzed tanning services, and we've decided to host another Shake and Bake in July!  I think we are going to do some fun giveaways and run a contest, so if you are in the area stay tuned!  I want this party to be even bigger and more fun!

I want to take this opportunity to address a few things that came up last night, and clear up a few questions I've been asked.  I preface this by saying, please feel free to message/text/call/carrier pigeon me any questions that I don't address here that you'd like to know.  We all know I'm rather open!

  1. Are you seriously only drinking shakes?  Hi.  My name is Jenn.  I love food and would NEVER sign up for or last on a program that required me to only drink shakes.  I actually tried that type of diet in college and lasted approximately 6 hours before I was sneaking food.  Shakes and eating food, however, tend to work really well for me.  I am drinking two shakes a day:  always one for breakfast, and having the other for dinner most nights.  The only exception is when I have a heavy lifting day, and I then use my 2nd shake as a recovery drink.  I typically eat lunch (salad with chicken, etc) and snack throughout the day.  I never, ever feel hungry.  
  2. Is this shake magic?  Nope.  I wish it were that easy, but you still have to put in the work just like anything else that is worth having.  I feel like ViSalus is a great tool that fits well in my life, and I love that the shakes work with my life instead of me trying to work them in.  I will say that I have noticed my workouts becoming better and better, and in the last few weeks I've really bumped up the amount of weight I'm lifting in my exercises.  I still suck at running, but I don't think that is the shake's fault.
  3. Will I have support throughout my Challenge and life with Vi?  If you sign up through me, you will not walk this alone.  I said it many times last night, I lovelovelove helping and motivating people.  I know what it feels like to see pictures and be like "who is that?"  I know how frustrating it can be to have a full closet of clothes that just don't fit.  I was lucky to have had some really awesome friends step in and help pull me out of the funk and into the light - and if I get the chance to pay that kindness forward, I consider this all a success.  I needed gentle nudges (ok, shoves) along the way, and if this can be the one to get you to finally make the decision to live the life you want to live, then let me know.  I'm so here to help.  
  4. Why did you choose Vi?  This is a pretty easy one.  I really love the products.  I use them daily.  I've seen and am seeing results.  I have the best team a girl could ask for, and support whenever I need it.  Heck, my friend Katie came all the way down from Allen just to help me last night.  You are only as strong as your weakest link, and being the newbie I am I am so appreciative for all of the tools and helping hands.  
  5. I want to be a promoter, but I'm worried about the cost.  I feel ya.  I was scared, too.  It is a huge commitment, but I don't regret it one bit.  If you want to learn more about the business side, let me know.  I will get you on the phone with my mentor (the same guy I talked to for over an hour and hammered him with an excessive amount of questions) and he can explain it better than I could ever dream of doing.  I will say the Vi Team doesn't leave new people hanging, and I have never once felt alone.  I've been checked on numerous times by all sorts of successful people all the way up.  I look forward to a long life of promoting!  Sean is even getting into it, listening in to my conference calls and asking questions, too.  It's become quite the family affair!

I think that covers most things that came up.  Like I said, this adventure has just begun but I'm already so excited about the changes that are happening.  I've officially gotten too small for all of my fat clothes.  No going back, friends!

Please check out Jenn's Vi Page and order your kit now!  Just do it!  Get started!  What are you waiting for????

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