Thursday, June 6, 2013



I've been nominated for my first blog award!  I didn't know they HAD blog awards (I know, I'm a little slow), but I've very excited my new blog-friend Amy at Getz Girl On Fire thought of me! :)  This award is for up and coming blogs that have less than 200 followers.  I'm pretty sure I have more than there are showing, but anywho - I love meeting new people so thanks, Amy!

So, I'm supposed to first tell 11 random facts about me.  This stuff always gets me.  Let me think...

1. I'm adopted.  Is that even random?
2. I hate cats.
3.  I have freckles in the shape of a triangle on my leg.
4.  I out-beerbonged the OSU offensive line when I was in Padre for Spring Break 2000.  Yup.  Super proud moment there!
5.  I tried out for the high school musical and didn't make it.  It may have something to do with the fact that I'm tone deaf.
6.  Along that same note, I don't actually know lyrics to many songs - I find it easier to just make them up.  Maybe Mariah Carey doesn't know her songs that well, I will show her the way.
7.  I tried to save my cousin when he fell in the lake, and almost drowned us both.  Thank goodness my parents were paying attention.  Sorry John Thomas.
8.  I played soccer for years, only to quit when it was time to get college scholarships.  Sorry mom and dad.
9.  One time, on a work-with with a supplier when I was a wine rep, the supplier got HAMMERED and passed out in my car.  Instead of going to most of our appointments, I just drove around and let him sleep.  It was better than him yelling at my buyers - which had happened earlier in the day.  He made a poor, sweet Asian lady cry.  He was a real dick.
10.  I seriously have issues with claustrophobia.  I almost lost it on a bus a few weeks ago.
11.  I'm a hugger.  I think life is better when you give hugs.  :)

And now I am supposed to answer questions Amy listed!

  1. Which do you prefer - cardio, weights or yoga?  For me, I prefer weights.  Yoga second.  Cardio third.  Unless it's Zumba.  Then that's pretty high up there.  Crap.  I kinda like them all.  Who is this person?
  2. What is your favorite movie of all time?  Pulp Fiction.  Is that strange?
  3. If you could pick a super power, which would you choose?  My husband is sleeping so I can't ask him about all the different super powers, but I'd like to be able to beam myself places.  I have a lot of friends that don't live close, and it would be really sweet if I could just pop over to California or NY.
  4. Name an item on your bucket list!  Europe.  I want to visit Europe.  Like, the whole thing.  haha
  5. Why did you originally start blogging?  I want to help people, and to show them that they are not alone.  I also wanted to prove to myself that I could do this whole weight-loss thing and keep a diary of sorts to chart my progress.  There have been a few people that have inspired me to be a better person in many ways, and I hope that I can be that person for whomever, too!  
  6. What was your first car?  Madza MX-6  
  7. Which do you prefer - beer, wine or cocktails?  Can't drink beer, so that's out.  Wine or whisky...those are m'favs
  8. What would I choose for my last meal?  My mommy's gumbo...followed by her blackberry sour cream pie...and maybe a slice of her fruit pizza, just for shits and grins.  I'm gonna die, so who cares!
  9. Are you a dog or cat person?  Well, I already told you I hate cats, so there is that answer.  I like dogs, but I don't care for the fur.  It's so gross.
  10. What is your favorite season and why?  I love Spring, because the clothes are cute and bright and cheerful and so are all the flowers!  
Check back for blogs that I nominate!  Most blogs I follow already have a ton of followers so I'll have to do some digging!  

1 comment:

  1. Loved it! Those were super fun! Thanks for playing along! Bloggers are generally a nosey bunch anyway so it's fun to read little details about folks!

    And yes, the hardest part was finding new blogs . . . that took some work! But I'm glad I found you! :-)


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