I feel like my scale hates me.
No matter what I've done in the past few weeks, it refuses to budge from 219. Well, that is somewhat of a fib. Some mornings it will say 218.6 or something to that effect, but what is that? Mine as well round up and say 219. I freaking hate the number 219.
I met with Misty and got some good food and snack ideas and also worked on getting me to eat more often. Say, whhhaa? Who knew that was probably my problem. I love to eat, I never thought it would be that I wasn't eating ENOUGH. In all fairness, this is not a carte blanche excuse to eat my way through the Cici's buffet line at any given moment. She and I just think that my metabolism needs a kickstart and eating 5-6 times a day, in smaller meals, will be a good solution to that problem. Also, with my PCOS causing issues with insulin, etc, she suggested I try and not eat carbs (or as few as possible, and the good ones, too) in the evening. This all sounds do-able and feasible, but I'll be really honest here. The past few nights have been very trying on this momma. I have a baby that hates to eat solids, I have a big boy that says everything is "not his favorite" and I can't even remember the last time I sat down to eat before we had to run off to soccer or this/that/whatever. Single mommas, you have my upmost admiration. Having Sean in class four nights a week is taxing on us all. It is absolutely for the greater good, but it really sucks not having another set of hands to help during dinner. It makes it harder for me, personally, to make good decisions. It's much easier to throw a few extra chicken nuggets in the microwave than to find chicken, defrost it and cook it. I'm also having a difficult time eating more often since the only meal time I have alone is lunch and I'm rarely super hungry then. It's just a huge adjustment.
In happier news, I did finally go get some new workout pants so I will be super cute for Saturday's race. I still am not sure if I'll be rocking a tank or a tee, but all in all, I'm really getting excited about the whole thing. I had a great 30 minute workout today on the elliptical, with a bonus five minute heavy run on the treadmill. I will do some interval training tomorrow and rest up on Friday. I can't believe it's almost time to run! Talk about having two months of your life fly right past you...
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