I did it, y'all!
Today I completed my very first 5K!
This morning I was faced with a big decision. Do I stay home in my warm, comfy bed or get my rear in gear and get our to Rahr? It has been raining now for probably 12 hours straight, and the thought of pounding the pavement in the rain sounded horrible. I was really frustrated. After two solid months of training and NO rain - I get to run in super soggy conditions. I've already shot myself in the foot by only training on a treadmill and doubt my abilities of this going well. I sent a few texts to those who were scheduled to attend, figured out who was going still and headed out before I could change my mind.
We got out there about an hour before the race started, and it was full of nervous energy for me. I had a lot of texts and Facebook messages coming through, but nothing got to me like this one:
I totally choked up when I saw this picture from Sean. It makes all the time I've spent at the gym, not eating yummy, bad for you foods, and miles I've run worth it. I knew I had to do this and make Sawyer proud!
It was finally race time, and I got in the huge pack of people ready to go. I actually surprised myself at how well I did coming out of the start. I really hate the bum-rushing that always happens, with people pushing and shoving and jockeying for position. It was a relatively smooth start, and off I went around the corner. The first lesson I learned was don't try and keep up with those people at the front. That went well for about 30 seconds, and I was already toast. I put my headphones on and turned on my music so I could try and get focused. I did ok until about 3/4 into the first mile and I got hit with the biggest side stitch ever! Shin splints, arch pain, back pain - all of these I have dealt with in the past few weeks. I really never had side stitches, and boy did it hurt. I was almost in tears. I was so frustrated that I couldn't get past it, and I wanted to quit so badly. All I could think about was Sawyer and his cute little sign and it was enough to keep me going. I'm pretty sure I was "wogging", but whatever - I was moving and that's all that matters.
I finally out ran the stitch, and suddenly found my pace. I kept waiting for the other shoe to fall again, but I breezed through the second mile pretty easily. Having my music helped tremendously. The same songs I ran to almost every day really kept me motivated and focused. I can't be sure, but I may have been singing out loud. I hope everyone liked my Britney Spears.
After I hit that second mile marker, I started having trouble again. For me, running is 90% a head game, 10% actual exercise. I am my own worst enemy, and I find it at times hard to keep placing one foot in front of the other. It was uphill again, and my legs were burning. I kept being passed by what seemed like everyone in the race, and I was almost in tears again. I just wanted to be done so bad, I wasn't enjoying the moment like I should have been. I saw this lady, who was a lot bigger and older than I, and she was still chugging along. I was like, man - if she can do this, so can I. I wiped the tears and pushed on.
I was almost done when Misty came down the street. Boy, I was glad to see her! I was keeping pace, but it was nice to have a partner to make the last little bit together. We rounded the corner and I hit whatever gas I had left and finished the race. I'm pretty sure the super sweet photographer at the end caught me in pre-meltdown. I lost it after I finished. To actually commit to running, training almost every day, changing my diet and ultimately completing a goal I once felt was unattainable ..it was a big moment. I felt proud of myself. I knew I had done good.
So, there ya have it. My first race! I'm already planning on doing another one, but I just needs to see what my schedule permits. I ate a huge burger, showed Sawyer my "medal" (Finisher Pint Glass) and took a nap. Hopefully the boys can come cheer me one at the next one, because that would make it even sweeter. :)
Here is my official time:
Here is my super sweet "Medal":
Now, I need to find some beer to drink from that bad boy...
Congratulations Jen! Way to push to the finish! Running isn't just physical...it's mental. I hope you proved to yourslef that you are tough in both aspects! :) ~Jami M.