Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I want Karate Lessons

That is all I ever hear out of my 5 year olds mouth.  I'm about to lose my damn mind.

I keep promising him that I will make him a "chore chart" and let him earn said lessons, but in true "Mom of the Year" fashion, I keep putting it off.  Why, you say?  Because I don't want to pay for it.  They say babies are expensive.  FALSE.  Five year olds are expensive.  Babies like boxes and car keys.  Five year olds want freakin soccer/karate/legos every waking moment.  I wish it counted to Sawyer that we are paying a pretty penny for a wonderful school experience not every kid is afforded, but alas...he just doesn't see it that way.  And it's good that he doesn't, but that doesn't help mommy pay for the damn karate.

I did my C25K today.  I am on Week 5, Day 2.  Today's training was an eight min runs followed by a five minute walk, done twice.  I'm proud to say that I didn't walk at all during either eight minute stretch.  I looked around for my medal when I was done, but it seems they forgot to leave it for me at the front desk of the gym.  As usual, I played "don't let my mind F with me while I'm running" during each jogging stretch.  I'll break it down for you, so you have the scary inner working of me.  It starts out like this:

First Minute: Hey...you...um, FYI, you suck at this.
Me: Yup...well aware of that.  Thanks for reminding me.

Second - Fourth Minute: You know the picture (see below) where it shows a real runner and then the chubby girl?  That is a true story.
Me:  I'm pretty sure I would never wear a yellow windbreaker, though.

Fifth - Seventh Minute: Lionel Richie comes on.  Boom.  I'm dancin on the ceiling.  I got this, bitches.

Eighth Minute:  JUST. KEEP. GOING.  OMG...I have to pee so bad.

Whew...now, repeat that twice and you can see how I felt this morning!  I might have to wear depends while running this blasted race, but hey - you do what you gotta do.

Weight wise, I'm stuck at 219.  I took my measurements yesterday, and they are as follows:

Waist: 40.5 Inches
Left Thigh: 28.25
Right Thigh: 28.25
FUPA area: 48.25 (go away, FUPA.  You are the bane of my existence)
Left arm: 16
Right Arm: 16

So, looks like I'm proportional.  I'm losing weight from my face down and from my toes up - leaving me with this weird bigger belly that needs to go find a new home.  Sawyer told me yesterday that he wants a baby sister (who is named Callie, by the way).  I hope he's kidding.  Though, after spending time with my BFF's girls last night...I totally want one, too.  :)

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